This is the caption you will find in Murugan Idli outlets across Chennai and Madurai. If there is one who will accept this is me. I am a idli fanatic to say the least. When at Chennai, atleast 6 days in a week will have idli in the menu if not 7 days. Love the smell and would not resist even when it is getting prepared so much so that I have gone against my diet advices, not to have idli. Even in Chennai, I have always been selective about places where I eat idli other than my house. Because if in a particular outlet some item is not nice, you tend to have aversion towards that item anywhere else too. I always had this at the back of my mind before I eat idli outside. That way, I have never had any such untoward incident happening in Chennai.
I carried that same conscience here in Pune and did not have idli for a fortnight. Some force prompted me to have idli. God, what I feared has happened, the idli was easily the worst I have ever had. Now, another fortnight is over and now, badly want to have idli. Necessary utensils for making idli are not available in my guest house to make myself. Trying hard to have those utensils and soon will taste idli and reclaim the temporary loss of affection. But still unsure when this will happen and I'm waiting for that moment. Missing idli and love of Amma and Paati in that idli. I'm immersed in the thought of the smell. Take it, really IDLI ORU UNNADHA UNAVU
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