No person is same the next second and so is you. Expectation causes disappointment. Acceptance is the only cure

Monday, December 28, 2009

Cricket administration at its worst best

Dear Mr. Chetan Chauhan

Happy times at DDCA. Congratulations to you and Mr. Jaitley for carrying the DDCA with such honour for such a long period of time. Its amazing how people are not jealous of your good work and wish to replace you. May be your co-administrators understand that no else could do the job better than you. Congratulations for keeping them at bay.

I was delighted at your presence in "The Verdict" Program on NDTV 24X7 at the first place. Second for your stupendous answers to the questions that were iced against you. You handled it with ease. Have never seen such a cool head for a long time or may be I am not watching these kind of shows that often.

Coming to my amuse of how DDCA is so well-managed, a few studs that I remember I recall. Firstly it was a Delhi based lawyer who wanted to know why much money was spent on liqour and not on facilities. Obviously he has no business asking this, that too through a petition in court under RTI. People do not realise the importance of social gathering and the importance of those who gather at those meetings. No right whatsoever can a cricket fan have over the affairs of the association or the Board.

Second, there were few matches where there 20000 persons left stranding outside the stadium for the match with valid tickets. Reason, which is good enough is that there were other valid tickets issued by the officials of DDCA. Validity is what we determine and not the fans.

Next, Sehwag threatening to move out of Delhi and other eminent players following suit for ill-administration at DDCA. No that cannot be said by a player. These players do not know how to run an administration. They pestering about it and with the MUSCLE power we can sort things as it was done, finally great cricketer made to surrender his ego.

Now, there is another climax. But the end I know for sure would be the same. You and Mr. Jaitley remaining in the DDCA as you are. Thank god that Delhi match was not the decider. I so perturbed that I do not want to speak anything else.

Once again so delighted at your blame shame today. Trying to find a scapegoat. Taking moral responsibility and downing from the DDCA pitches committee chairman. There was one statement that I would recall - "though I was not involved in the preparation of the pitch and I was supervising, I took moral responsibility and stepped down as chairman of Pitches committee of DDCA...". By the way, the chairman is responsible for the pitch that is prepared on behalf of the association. Chairman does not mean sitting in a chair and supervising. It is responsibility and not a moral one.

Hope to see you soon when the IPL season begins. Till then Best wishes for your efforts to make KOTLA pitch, a world class one.

With worst regards

Ravi Krishnan

Friday, May 22, 2009

Friends come on..cheer up..

I wanted to write blogs more consistently but somehow doesn't seem to do that. Bad on me - not being perfect and expecting perfection from everyone else around me. What do I mean here - Just nothing. I would require friends to do their postings more often so that I could push myself looking at my peers. Is this expectation a valid one - well, not really because you are my friends. But still... A few things I would put across...

Last few months were action-packed with IPL, elections, results, cabinet formation and the action will continue. IPL is a product with fair bit of marketing and was dumped into Indian public and we generously have accepted the product. What strikes is the appeal of the concept among the vast majority of the population. It could be expected to be a success in bigger towns and cities, buts its appeal in smaller towns has been phenomenal. Atleast I had no expectation last year of this kind of a success. And one more striking feature is that INDIAN premier league is being held in South Africa and still attracting crowds in South Africa - though not to the extent it is projected in SET MAX. This success in South Africa is due to the presence of 4 foreign players in the side and the Indian international players in the side. And why I am talking about IPL its bugging my time and I couldn't help. Going to bed at 12 in the night and getting up late in the mornings - I resolved to work longer and finer after my exams but things like this obviously sucks time. In an FM channel I heard a girl complain that her boyfriend is not taking her out due to IPL matches and that is only time they get together. Oh pity. I defintely do not know what would I be doing in such situation - but definitely I guess - if at all I get one - my girl friend will be smarter enough to woo me outside of IPL or to gracefully accept I will not be such a stupid boyfriend watching IPL.

Coming to the next big thing the elections - I think the awareness amongst youth like us of their responsibilities to the nation is an encouraging sign and the return to power of congress is vindicative of that fact. The congress demonstrated youth power and were rewarded - more than 70% percentage of the voters are under the age of 35. Still the youth have to take over. Today persons aged 50 are considered young brigade. This has to change. Though it is welcome considering that we have had PM and ministers who are atleast 70 years old. I dont understand the logic of selecting such older people and send them to represent us. Half their time in the next five years are spent in hospital. Probably, they stand in elections with the hope of getting free medical treatment. For this, if a responsible person is selected, he would construct hospitals and offer free service to the needy and these ripe politicians could be the beneficiaries.

Winning an election brings with it a lot of headaches as well. There are loyal partymen who do not deserve to be in the cabinet but loyalty wins. There are other allaince partners pressing for their share in the apple - I see at the end of this tenure of government, Congress winning without any alliances by demonstrating good governance. God, the kind of negotiations that are going on for the cabinet berth resembles vegetable market - but the way congress has handled it so far is heartnening. I feel the congress is more an instutionalised party - you have Sonia, Rahul and co to do all the politics part of it and bring power and you have Manmohan and co to deliver effective governance. The strength of Manmohan and Rahul could be felt at the failed negotiation deal with the DMK. The cabinet is no longer going to be a jokers party. Hoping to see a revolution in Indian politics. If the congress delivers atleast half of my expectations of governance and developments, I would be turn a congressman. Now, an independant.

You will definitely see me in politics in the future rather in the system of governance.

Last but not the least. Tamil Elam. I dont understand why there is hue and cry over the war on a terrorist group in Sri Lanka in India. Come on man, he is a terrosit and deserves what he is being handed now. Just because he is a tamilian - you need not boil your bloods for him. After all he is a more sophisticated terrorist. If you feel that what he is doing is right and you have the right to protect interests of that group, then my dear TAMIL MAKKALE, Pakistan has every right in protecting the interests of the terrorists in Pakistan. On seeing a large number of politicians supporting the terrorists in the name of civilians - I tell them one thing - ORUTHANUKKU ELUNDHICHU NIKKAVEY VAKKU ILLAYAM, AVANNUKKU OMPODHU_______ KETKUDHAM. First, do what you could do for the welfare of your people - who's money you have looted all along, who votes you to power on every failed expectation, who beleive that you are their true representatives, who trust you more than their spouses, who dies for you, who is being neglected regardless of the party at power. Transform this country of yours into a paradise. Prevent goondaraj. Improve infrastructure. Improve education. Improve standard of living of your people. Have dream city without any blemish. And when all this is done look into the issue of your neighbours. Until then keep ur _ & _ shut.

Meet you soon, till then adios