No person is same the next second and so is you. Expectation causes disappointment. Acceptance is the only cure

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Idea of Integrity

I don't think anybody should think whether he deserves to make a point about the word. The word means character. The word expresses intent. It personifies righteousness. Just about the right quality of living. But why is it found lacking today? Many learned men argue that its the environment that damages the very quality. Many others argue that its people's greed that has virtually made no sense of the word in today's world. And there are few like me, who would like to believe that the damaged identity of integrity is due to individuals i.e., "WE" and not "THEY". What is the environment? It is "WE" and not "THEY". Who has greed? It is "WE" and not "THEY". Whatever may be finer reasons. But the underlying fact is "WE" are responsible and not "THEY" are responsible.

I have come across this question a multiple times from very many persons. You will have to be subject to the pressures of people, more importantly clients. How do you intend to overcome that? In the process you loose a client and being a start up you loose the future. I'm not saying that I have been clean all through out my life. There are a few greyer areas in my life as well. But the important experience for me is that those greyer pastures never repeated and there are fewer such pastures than many would have at my age. What I strive for is being independent and being honest. I'm not afraid of loosing a client. I don't fear loosing relationships. I clearly pick what I want to do. No man is perfect and when I break the rules, I'm ready to put up my hand and accept the punishment for it.

It takes a lot of courage to admit that one has compromised on integrity. Its not that we do not know that we are compromising on integrity. Its the cause that we look into to justify the compromise that's killing the entire system.

The idea of integrity is to find within us and not around us.

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